*Opțional Completează-ți numele! (Pentru clasament și diplomă)
She doesn’t mind.............home.

Sam used.............a famous tennis player.

After I got up, I looked out of the window....... what the weather was like.

It’s not worth........ a taxi because I live nearby.

‘Did I really tell you I was exhausted? I don’t remember........that.’

’ Remember...........something for your cousin’s birthday!’ ‘Ok. I won’t forget.’

He had to stop.....football because of an injury.

We have to stop the car........our tires.

If I were you, I’d avoid....... water from here

His friend claims.....able to speak four languages.

  • Articole autor

Profesor de Limba engleză la Liceul Teoretic „Spiru Haret” Moinești, cu o vechime de 21 de ani, director adjunct al liceului, profesor metodist, membru în Consiliul Consultativ al disciplinei;

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